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Spider - Selenocosmia Crassipes

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Please note the picture of the spider on this listing is a generic Australian tarantula. It does not reflect the species or size of the spider you are ordering.

Selenocosmia (Phlogius) Crassipes approx. 10mm body length

Crassipes are a large sized tarantula species. Their habitat is northern and eastern Australia, including woodlands, forests, grasslands, and rocky areas.

Crassipes is primarily a burrowing species. They dig deep burrows in the ground and line them with silk. These burrows serve as their shelters and hunting grounds.

Like most tarantulas, Phlogius Crassipes is nocturnal, meaning they are most active during the night. They emerge from their burrows to hunt for prey after sunset.

Their diet mainly consists of crickets, roaches and mealworms. They are ambush predators and use their silk-lined burrows to detect vibrations caused by passing prey.


Keeping an Australian tarantula as a pet can be a unique and rewarding experience for some enthusiasts. Here are some potential benefits of having a tarantula as a pet:

  1. Fascinating and Unusual: Tarantulas are fascinating creatures with unique behaviors and adaptations. Observing their natural behaviors, such as web-building, hunting, and molting, can be a captivating experience for pet owners.

  2. Low Maintenance: Tarantulas are generally low-maintenance pets compared to many other animals. They don't require daily walks or social interaction and are relatively self-sufficient.

  3. Long Lifespan: Some species of Australian tarantulas have long lifespans, with some living up to 20 years or more in captivity. This means you can have a long-term pet relationship.

  4. Educational Value: Owning a tarantula can provide educational opportunities for both children and adults. It allows for learning about arachnid biology, behavior, and conservation.

  5. No Allergies or Noise: Unlike some traditional pets like cats and dogs, tarantulas don't produce dander or shed fur, making them suitable for people with allergies. Additionally, they are silent animals, so noise is not an issue.

  6. Aesthetic Appeal: Many tarantula species have striking and beautiful colors and patterns, making them visually appealing pets for some people.

  7. Conversation Starter: Having an Australian tarantula as a pet can be a great conversation starter and can lead to interesting discussions about exotic pets and the importance of respecting and preserving wildlife.


However, it's important to note that owning a tarantula is not for everyone. Tarantulas have specific care requirements and can be challenging to handle due to their venomous fangs and delicate bodies. Here are some potential drawbacks and considerations:

  1. Venomous: While most tarantulas have venom that is not dangerous to humans, their bites can cause discomfort, swelling, and pain. Handling should be avoided or done with extreme caution.

  2. Limited Interaction: Tarantulas are not social animals and do not seek or provide companionship or interaction like some other pets. They are primarily kept for observation rather than physical interaction.

  3. Specialized Care: Different tarantula species have different habitat and dietary requirements. It's essential to research the specific needs of the species you plan to keep to ensure they thrive in captivity.

  4. Fear and Phobias: Some people have arachnophobia or fear of spiders, making tarantula ownership unsuitable for them or causing considerable stress and anxiety.

  5. Long Lifespan: While the long lifespan of tarantulas can be a benefit for some, it can also be a challenge for others who may not be ready for such a long-term commitment.

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