Taking care of a spiny leaf insect (also known as a stick insect or phasmid) requires attention to its habitat, diet, and overall well-being. Here's a care sheet to help you provide the best environment for your spiny leaf insect:


  1. Enclosure: Use a spacious enclosure like a glass or mesh tank. A 45cm tank is suitable for a few individuals.
  2. Substrate: Line the bottom with a substrate like coconut coir or peat moss, like our base substrate to maintain humidity. About 2 inches of substrate should suffice.
  3. Climbing surfaces: Add branches, twigs, and artificial plants for climbing. Make sure these are appropriately sized and placed to accommodate the insects as they molt.
  4. Misting: Maintain humidity by misting the enclosure daily with water. Use a fine mist spray to avoid making the habitat too wet.
  5. Ventilation: Ensure proper ventilation by using a mesh lid or sides to prevent mold growth.

Temperature and Humidity:

  1. Temperature: Keep the temperature between 20°C to 28°C. Use a thermometer to monitor the temperature.
  2. Humidity: Maintain humidity levels around 70% to 80%. A hygrometer will help you track humidity accurately.


  1. Diet: Spiny leaf insects primarily feed on a variety of bramble (blackberry, raspberry) and eucalyptus leaves. Offer fresh, pesticide-free leaves regularly.
  2. Leaves: Replace the leaves when they start to dry out. Remove uneaten leaves to prevent mold growth.
  3. Water: Mist leaves with water to provide a source of hydration for the insects.


  1. Light: Natural light or ambient room light is generally sufficient for spiny leaf insects. Avoid direct sunlight, which can overheat the enclosure.


  1. Minimize handling: These insects are delicate and can be stressed by handling. Minimize touching them, and if you need to move them, use a gentle touch.


  1. Molted exoskeletons: After molting, spiny leaf insects shed their exoskeletons. Leave these exoskeletons in the enclosure as they provide a valuable source of nutrients.


  1. Sex separation: If you have both male and female insects, ensure proper sex separation to prevent overbreeding and stress.
  2. Egg laying: Females may lay eggs on leaves or other surfaces. Provide suitable surfaces for egg laying, and be prepared to care for the hatchlings.

Health and Observation:

  1. Regular observation: Regularly check on your insects for signs of stress, illness, or molting.
  2. Isolation: Isolate sick insects to prevent the spread of disease.
  3. Cleanliness: Keep the enclosure clean by removing uneaten leaves, feces, and molted exoskeletons.

Remember, different species of spiny leaf insects might have specific care requirements, so it's important to research the particular species you are keeping to ensure you're meeting its specific needs. Always prioritize the well-being of your insects and make adjustments to their care based on their behavior and condition.