How to Determine the Sex of a Bearded Dragon: A Beginner's Guide

How to Determine the Sex of a Bearded Dragon: A Beginner's Guide

Posted by Karen Nilsson on 14th Jun 2024

Determining the sex of a bearded dragon may not be straightforward, especially for beginners. Understanding the gender of your bearded dragon is crucial for various reasons, including habitat management, behavior prediction, and breeding considerations. This guide will walk you through the basic steps to sex your bearded dragon, along with tips to ensure the process is safe and stress-free for your pet.

Why Knowing Your Bearded Dragon's Sex is Important

Knowing the sex of your bearded dragon can influence several aspects of their care. For instance, male bearded dragons tend to be more territorial and might exhibit more aggressive behavior during breeding seasons. In contrast, females might require additional care if they become gravid (pregnant), as they need a suitable place to lay their eggs. Additionally, if you plan on keeping multiple dragons together, knowing their sexes is critical to prevent unwanted breeding or aggression.

When to Sex a Bearded Dragon

The best time to determine the sex of a bearded dragon is when they are at least six months old. At this age, the physical differences between males and females become more noticeable, making the sexing process easier and more accurate.

Physical Indicators of Sex

  1. Hemipenal Bulges: One of the most reliable indicators of a bearded dragon's sex are the hemipenal bulges. Located at the base of the tail near the vent (cloacal opening), males will typically have two prominent bulges, one on each side of the tail. Females will either have a single, less pronounced bulge in the center or no bulge at all.
  2. Femoral Pores: Another characteristic to look at are the femoral pores, which are found on the underside of the hind legs. These pores are generally more pronounced and numerous in males than in females. They secrete a waxy substance used to mark territory, which is particularly noticeable during the breeding season.
  3. Size and Shape: Although not as definitive as other methods, males generally have broader heads and larger, thicker tails than females. These features can sometimes help in determining the sex, especially in mature dragons.

How to Handle Your Bearded Dragon for Sexing

Handling your bearded dragon correctly is essential to reduce stress and prevent injury. Here’s a safe method to handle your pet while sexing:

  • Approach Gently: Always approach your bearded dragon calmly to avoid startling them. Slow and deliberate movements are best.
  • Support Properly: When picking up your bearded dragon, support their body by placing one hand under the chest and the other under the hindquarters.
  • Visibility: Gently lift the tail upward at a slight angle. Ensure this is done delicately to prevent stressing or hurting your dragon. The vent area should be visible enough for you to identify the sex indicators mentioned above.


Sexing a bearded dragon can be intriguing and is certainly essential for proper care and management. If you’re ever unsure about the sex of your bearded dragon, consider consulting with a reptile veterinarian or an experienced breeder who can provide assistance and guidance.

Remember, the key to successfully sexing your bearded dragon lies in gentle handling and patience. Take your time to familiarize yourself with these indicators, and with practice, determining the sex of your bearded dragon will become an easier and more intuitive process.