Effective Cricket Care and Housing Tips | BioSupplies

Effective Cricket Care and Housing Tips | BioSupplies

Posted by Karen Nilsson on 13th Jun 2024

Optimal Housing Strategies for Crickets from BioSupplies 

When you purchase crickets from BioSupplies, you receive not only a product but also our commitment to ensure they remain in peak condition. Here's your ultimate guide to housing crickets properly once they arrive at your home.

Selecting the Appropriate Enclosure For an economical and practical solution, consider using plastic-sided tubs, ideally with a capacity exceeding 60 liters, which are widely available at your local discount and hardware stores. if you have a small number of crickets, the Cricket Pen is a great way to store them. The key feature of these tubs should be excellent ventilation. Crickets are prone to health issues in high humidity environments due to increased risk of bacterial and fungal infections. Avoiding a lid can improve air circulation, though ensure the enclosure remains secure. 

Preventing Cannibalism Among Crickets Crickets naturally may resort to cannibalism if they feel overcrowded or stressed due to a lack of hiding spots. Economical and effective solutions like stacked egg cartons, paper towel rolls, toilet paper rolls, and sheets of corrugated cardboard can provide ample space for crickets to hide and reduce stress, which in turn minimizes cannibalistic behavior. These materials also facilitate easier handling and transfer of crickets as needed. 

Maintaining Ideal Temperature and Humidity Crickets are typically bred in environments with temperatures ranging from 25 to 28 degrees Celsius. To extend their lifespan and slow their growth, it is advisable to maintain a room temperature of 20 to 28 degrees Celsius. Temperatures outside this range could reduce the crickets' lifespan significantly. You can heat the crickets where necessary with heat lamps or heat mats.

Life Cycle and Environmental Sensitivity Crickets have a life cycle lasting approximately 6 to 8 weeks. Adult crickets tend to survive for about 1 to 2 weeks post-arrival, whereas younger crickets can last 5 to 7 weeks if conditions are optimal. During their lifespan, crickets will molt five times, so you might observe some shiny white crickets or discarded exoskeletons, which should not be mistaken for deceased crickets. Also, crickets are extremely sensitive to toxic fumes from sources like insecticides, cleaning agents, pet care products, automotive emissions, and smoke. It's crucial to keep their environment clear of these pollutants to maintain their health

Feeding Practices for Healthy Crickets. Crickets are omnivorous and possess a robust appetite, consuming almost anything edible. For the best nutrition, feed them high-quality, thoroughly washed fresh vegetables and fruits, such as carrots, pumpkins, cabbage, lettuce, and apples. Bug Boost or rodent pellets can also be a regular part of their diet. While these foods provide necessary nutrients and hydration, some cricket keepers add InsectaSip as an extra hydration source. Regular cleaning and food replacement are essential to keep the enclosure hygienic and discourage cannibalism. 

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