Blue Tongue Lizard Care Guide: Everything You Need to Know

Blue Tongue Lizard Care Guide: Everything You Need to Know

Posted by BioSupplies on 14th Aug 2024

Blue tongue lizards are one of the most popular reptile pets in Australia, known for their docile nature and striking appearance. Caring for a blue tongue lizard can be a rewarding experience, but it requires proper knowledge and attention to ensure your lizard thrives. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about blue tongue lizard care, from setting up the perfect habitat to feeding and health tips.

1. Setting Up the Perfect Habitat

Enclosure Size: Blue tongue lizards need a spacious enclosure to explore and move around comfortably. A glass or PVC terrarium with a minimum size of 120 cm long, 60 cm wide, and 45 cm high is recommended for an adult lizard. Ensure that the enclosure has a secure lid to prevent escape.

Substrate: Choose a substrate that mimics their natural environment. Suitable options include coconut husk, cypress mulch, or even a mix of sand and soil. Ensure the substrate is deep enough (around 5-10 cm) to allow your lizard to burrow if it desires.

Temperature and Lighting: Blue tongue lizards are ectothermic, meaning they rely on external heat sources to regulate their body temperature. The enclosure should have a temperature gradient, with a basking spot of 30-35°C and a cooler area of around 24-28°C. Use a UVB light to provide necessary UV radiation, which is crucial for calcium absorption and overall health. Keep the lights on for 10-12 hours a day to mimic a natural day-night cycle.

Humidity: Maintain a humidity level between 30-40% in the enclosure. Regular misting and providing a shallow water dish can help achieve this. Ensure the water dish is large enough for your lizard to soak in but shallow enough to prevent drowning.

2. Diet and Feeding

Diet: Blue tongue lizards are omnivores, meaning they eat both plant and animal matter. A balanced diet for your blue tongue should include:

  • Vegetables: Leafy greens like kale, dandelion greens, and baby spinach make up the bulk of their diet. You can also offer zucchini, carrots, and sweet potatoes.
  • Protein: Provide protein sources such as live crickets, mealworms, or snails. For a convenient option, consider purchasing live food from BioSupplies to ensure freshness and quality.
  • Fruits: Offer fruits like berries, apples, and pears in moderation.

Feed your blue tongue lizard every 2-3 days, adjusting the quantity based on its age, size, and activity level. Always provide fresh water in the enclosure.

3. Handling and Interaction

Blue tongue lizards are generally calm and can become accustomed to handling with time and patience. Start by allowing your lizard to get used to your presence, then gently handle it for short periods. Avoid sudden movements and ensure you support its body fully to prevent stress.

4. Health and Common Issues

Shedding: Like other reptiles, blue tongue lizards shed their skin periodically. Ensure proper humidity levels and provide rough surfaces in the enclosure to help with the shedding process. If your lizard has trouble shedding, consider increasing the humidity or providing a warm bath.

Signs of Illness: Keep an eye out for signs of illness, such as loss of appetite, lethargy, or abnormal droppings. Respiratory infections, metabolic bone disease, and parasites are common issues that can affect blue tongue lizards. Regular vet check-ups are essential for early detection and treatment.

5. Breeding and Lifespan

If you're interested in breeding blue tongue lizards, it’s important to note that they give birth to live young rather than laying eggs. Breeding typically occurs in late spring, and a female can give birth to 10-20 live offspring after a gestation period of around three months.

With proper care, blue tongue lizards can live for 15-20 years, making them a long-term commitment as pets.


Blue tongue lizards are fascinating reptiles that can make wonderful pets for both beginners and experienced keepers. By providing the right environment, diet, and care, you can ensure your blue tongue lizard lives a healthy and happy life.

For high-quality live food and other reptile supplies, visit BioSupplies and explore their wide range of products tailored to meet the needs of your blue tongue lizard.